Non-Agricultural Labor

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The H-2B visa is issued to workers who enter the U.S. to perform non-agricultural work that is temporary in nature. For H-2B purposes, this includes work that is seasonal or peak load. The employer must also prove that there is an insufficient number of U.S. workers willing or able to perform the work, and this is established through the Labor Certification process conducted in conjunction with the respective State Department of Labor. Our office is able to guide employers through the often complex Labor Certification process.


Agricultural Labor

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The H-2A temporary agricultural visa is a nonimmigrant visa which allows foreign nationals to enter the U.S. to perform agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature on a farm or ranch relating to horse breeding or livestock care. Labor Certification by the U.S. Department of Labor is necessary. The job must be temporary in nature and the employer is also required to provide State inspected and approved housing at no charge to the workers. Our office is able to guide employers through the often complex Labor Certification process and the ongoing recruitment efforts required as part of the H-2A process.